Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf: The Ultimate Guide For Kids

Hello Kitty Malvorlagen Kopf Libri da colorare, Disegni da colorare, Immagini hello kitty
Hello Kitty Malvorlagen Kopf Libri da colorare, Disegni da colorare, Immagini hello kitty from


Hello Kitty is one of the most popular cartoon characters that kids love. It's a Japanese character that first appeared in 1974 and since then, it has been loved by many. Kids love to color and draw Hello Kitty, and in this article, we will provide you with a guide on how to draw the Hello Kitty head with a coloring sheet.

What is Malvorlage?

Malvorlage is the German word for coloring sheet. These coloring sheets are perfect for kids who love to color and draw. With the Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf, kids can have fun while also enhancing their creativity and imagination.

Materials Needed

Before we proceed with the steps on how to draw Hello Kitty head with a coloring sheet, let's first prepare the materials needed. You will need a Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf, colored pencils, and a sharpener.

Steps on How to Draw Hello Kitty Head

Step 1: Download the Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf

The first step is to download the Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf. You can find it on the internet or print it out from a coloring book.

Step 2: Sharpen Your Colored Pencils

Make sure to sharpen your colored pencils before you start coloring. This will help you color more accurately and make your drawing look neater.

Step 3: Start Coloring the Face

Start by coloring the face of Hello Kitty with white or light pink. You can choose to color the whole face or just the parts that need to be colored.

Step 4: Color the Eyes and Whiskers

Next, color the eyes with black and the inside of the eyes with white. Then, color the whiskers with black.

Step 5: Color the Nose and Mouth

Color the nose with black and the mouth with red.

Step 6: Color the Bow

Color the bow with red or any other color of your choice.

Step 7: Color the Ears

Color the ears with white or light pink.

Step 8: Add Details

Add some details to your drawing, such as shading or highlighting, to make it look more realistic.

Step 9: Sign Your Drawing

Sign your drawing with your name and the date. This will make it more special and memorable.

Step 10: Display Your Drawing

Finally, display your drawing in your room or on the fridge. This will make you proud of your work and inspire you to do more.


Drawing and coloring can be a fun and enjoyable activity for kids. With the Malvorlage Hello Kitty Kopf, kids can have fun while also enhancing their creativity and imagination. We hope that this guide has helped you in drawing the Hello Kitty head with a coloring sheet. Happy coloring!


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